Saturday, November 23, 2019

Here Are 9 Cheaper & More Effective Supplements Than Any Anti-Wrinkle Cream!!!

Take a look at an anti-wrinkle cream bottle. As part of its contents, you’ll be sure to find vitamins, antioxidants, and fatty acids.

With a probability of more than 99%, there will be hyaluronic acid and collagen. You can buy these supplements in any drugstore: when bought separately, they cost cheaper than an anti-wrinkle cream. In this article, you’ll find useful information about the things that your skin needs to be smooth and resilient.

What to do to prevent wrinkles:

To keep your skin young as long as possible, you need to:
Build up your skin’s protective barrier: The weaker the barrier, the more moisture your skin is likely to lose. It becomes dry, thin, and pale, burns easily in the sun, and restores slower.
Boost skin renewal: Compensate for collagen, elastin, hyaluronic shortage. Aging skin produces less of these components, and you need to boost their production.
Add antioxidants: They protect from free radicals that make your skin age quicker and prevent collagen destruction — the skin’s main “construction material.”
Your skin needs all of them. If you place great emphasis on collagen, the unprotected skin would store harmful substances and age quicker. If you add only antioxidants, the skin would be protected from microbes and sunlight, but wrinkles won’t go away.
Creams, serums, injections, and fluids — aren’t the key to young and beautiful skin. Cosmetic brands produce masks using hyaluronic acid, add collagen to creams, and offer vitamin injections. In addition to the active substance, each product is replete with other components.
By buying $15-$20 creams, you don’t receive enough components that can rejuvenate your skin. Vitamins and capsule supplementations are a good alternative that costs 5-10 times cheaper.

Build up the skin’s barrier
Vitamin Е (capsules): Vitamin E is a very powerful antioxidant. The synergy of vitamin E and vitamin C prevents sunburns and protects the skin from free radicals, oxidative stress, and aging.
Intake: 1 capsule of vitamin E a day. The recommended norm — 15 mg of the active substance.
Gel with ferulic acid: If you add ferulic acid to vitamin Е and vitamin С, the skin’s protection against the sun will increase at least 4-8 times. Ferulic acid moisturizes and smoothes the skin, boosts micro-circulation, collagen and elastin production, and prevents photoaging. Scientists found that the best usage of ferulic acid is in the form of a gel. The gel is easily absorbed by the skin and enhances its protective barrier.
Intake: apply 2-3 times a week, avoid skin under your eyes. Before applying gel to your face, check it on your hand.
Vitamin А (capsules): Vitamin А enhances the production of collagen and promotes the skin’s immunity. According to scientists, retinol is as good as sunscreen.
Intake: 700 mcg/day of vitamin A (no more than 3,000 mcg.)
Boost rejuvenation
Collagen is a fibrous protein that our skin can’t live without. The amount of collagen in your body decreases with age and its deficiency should be restored. Scientists found that the intake of collagen supplements improves the skin’s condition in just 8 weeks: roughness and moisture loss is reduced and elasticity is improved.
Intake: A capsule of 2.5 g a day.
Hyaluronic acid: When the amount of hyaluronic acid drops, the skin becomes dry, dehydrated, and inelastic. Japanese scientists conducted a study by forming 2 groups of people, the first of which was given a placebo pill and the second was provided with 120-mg capsules of hyaluronic acid per day. After 12 weeks, the people from the second group observed that their wrinkles became less visible.

Intake: 120 mg capsule a day.

Cupuacu oil (a tropical relative of cocoa): It’s easily absorbed by the skin and retains moisture much longer than any other type of oil. Cupuacu contains powerful antioxidants and fatty acids that rejuvenate the skin and keep it young. The oil keeps 30% more moisture than lanolin used in Korean and Japanese cosmetics.

Intake: Use instead of your usual night cream or as a mask. Apply it to the skin and leave for 20 minutes. Then, remove the excess with a tissue.

Add antioxidants

Vitamin С is a powerful antioxidant that protects the skin from free radicals and oxidative stress. It quickly restores the skin after sunburn and windburn. As we get older, it gets more difficult for the skin to restore and get renewed. Vitamin C can solve this problem.

Usage: 75 mg capsules a day for women, 90 mg capsules a day for men.
Vitamin N (lipoic acid) helps neutralize the effects of free radicals. It cooperates with other antioxidants like vitamin C and vitamin E and enhances their anti-aging effect. It also reduces inflammation and helps reconstruct collagen.

Usage: 20-50 mg capsules of lipoic acid a day.
Coenzyme Q 10: Scientists found that coenzyme significantly reduces wrinkles and skin microrelief, prevents loss of elasticity, and makes the skin smooth. Although it doesn’t protect from the sun and has nothing to do with hydration, coenzyme is perfect for the off-season.

Intake: 30 mg capsule a day.

Bonus: 4 good oils that can be used to remove makeup and as anti-wrinkle creams.

Argan oil: Scientists tested how oil influences the skin of post-menopausal women. Its everyday use improves skin elasticity in just 60 days. The oil reinforces the ability of the skin to retain moisture and makes it smooth.
Almond oil: Thanks to vitamin E and vitamin K, the oil boosts quick recovery and elasticity of the skin. The oil creates a natural barrier from UV rays with a level of protection of 4.6 SPF.
Grape seed oil is one of the most popular oils among cosmetic companies. It is used as a key component of creams, lotions, and masks. The oil contains a lot of vitamins, fatty acids: palmitic (helps produce collagen and elastin,) stearic (protects from the sun,) linoleic (a powerful antioxidant.)
Sesame oil has a high degree of hydrophobicity. It contains 3 powerful antioxidants that protect the skin from the sun and slow down the aging process.


Thanks for reading Here Are 9 Cheaper & More Effective Supplements Than Any Anti-Wrinkle Cream!!!

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